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Now running from a tiny Pogoplug Hardware failure on 2013/03/27!

Now running from a old Fujitsu P2120 laptop Hardware failure on 2013/05/07!

Now running from an old Dell Inspiron 1150 laptop Back to retirement 2013/05/13!

Now running from a old Fujitsu P2120 laptop! Back in operation with replaced hard drive!

Now running from a ASUS Chromebox!

Now running from a Kangaroo Mobile Desktop mini PC!

Want to hear the Morden conditions and forecast from Environment Canada?

Click here for an audio speech file created by my server!

DareCam! JPEG pic of Dare

Meteoblue Weather Forecast for Morden


Current sunrise/set and season information at the home of Dare, in Morden, Manitoba, Canada:

Embedded Text Document

Some useful weather links:

Current Radar Map for Woodlands from Environment Canada:

JPG Winnipeg Radar

Animation: 24 HOURS

Current Weather map for Morden area from Weather Underground:

Current U.S. Composite Weather Image from SSEC (Space Science & Engineering Center):

Animation: 7 DAYS

Current U.S. GOES NEXRAD 1km MOSAIC Weather Satellite Image of Southern Manitoba from College of DuPage:
[also 2km and 6km and many more...]


Current U.S. GOES Visible Weather Satellite Image of Southern Manitoba from College of DuPage:
[also 2km and 6km and many more...]

GOES Visible Satellite

Current IR Satellite Image of North Central USA from Pennsylvania State University:


Current North America IR Jet Stream Analysis from CWRS (California Regional Weather Server):


Current North America Sea Level Pressure Analysis from CWRS (California Regional Weather Server):
[also 300 mb and 500 mb maps]


Current sky view in Morden, plotted by a Python program I wrote (click for a full-sized image that also contains more information). If interested, please also see my astronomy webpage for information on one of my other hobbies:
Chart of annual daylight in Morden, plotted by GnuPlot:

Meteoblue Astronomy Forecast for Morden


This is a video of a storm front that I took many years ago just outside Winnipeg

This is a 'time-lapse' snowfall day, where some snow fell and then melted the same day.

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